Why go to church?
- Hebreerbrevet 10:25 "Låt oss inte överge våra egna sammankomster, som en del har för vana, utan uppmuntra varandra, detta så mycket mer som ni ser att dagen närmar sig."
Jag har aldrig gillat att gå i kyrkan. Jag är alldeles för rastlös och orkar inte lyssna på folk som undervisar. Inte gillar jag musik särskilt mycket heller. Och vad är väl inte en gudstjänst om inte just det, undervisning och lovsång.
När jag var liten var det alltid bråk hemma på söndagarna, jag ville mycket hellre vara hemma och spela datorspel än gå till kyrkan, men jag var ju för liten för att lämnas hemma själv så jag var alltid tvungen att åka med.
Jag tycker fortfarande inte särskilt mycket om att gå till kyrkan eftersom jag lätt blir så rastlös, men jag går i alla fall. Varför? Jag kan väl lika gärna vara kristen hemma själv? Ja det är sant, du blir inte "mer kristen" på någon slags skala av att gå till kyrkan, men du behöver det. Vi behöver omge oss med andra troende för att vår tro ska ha möjlighet att växa, vi behöver be tillsammans, höra på undervisning, byta erfarenheter och uppmuntra varandra. Det är inte kyrkan som byggnad vi behöver utan den kristna gemenskapen.
För några veckor sedan stannade jag hemma från kyrkan och tänkte att jag skulle lyssna på någon undervisning hemma istället för att kompensera. Så jag hittade någon random video och vad tror ni killen snackar om; jo vikten av att regelbundet gå till kyrkan! Spot on, snacka om att jag kände mig träffad...
Veckans utmaning:
- Gå till kyrkan!

- Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."
I have never enjoyed go to church. I am too restless and have trouble to listen to the people who teach. I don't like the music very much, either. And what isn't a church service but exactly that; teaching and worship.
When I was a kid there was always arguing at home on Sunday, I would much rather stay home and play computer games than go to church, but I was too young to be left at home alone so I always had to go with my family.
I still don't really enjoy going to church because I easily get so restless, but I go anyway. Why? I might as well be a Christian at home by myself? Yes it is true, you will not be "more Christian" on any kind of scale by going to church, but you need it. We need to surround ourselves with other believers so that our faith will be able to grow, we need to pray together, to listen to teaching, exchange experiences and encourage each other. It's not the church as a building we need but the Christian fellowship.
A few weeks ago I stayed home from church and thought I would listen to a teaching at home instead to compensate. So I found some random video and what do you think the guy is talking about; well, importance of regularly going to church! Spot on...
When I was a kid there was always arguing at home on Sunday, I would much rather stay home and play computer games than go to church, but I was too young to be left at home alone so I always had to go with my family.
I still don't really enjoy going to church because I easily get so restless, but I go anyway. Why? I might as well be a Christian at home by myself? Yes it is true, you will not be "more Christian" on any kind of scale by going to church, but you need it. We need to surround ourselves with other believers so that our faith will be able to grow, we need to pray together, to listen to teaching, exchange experiences and encourage each other. It's not the church as a building we need but the Christian fellowship.
A few weeks ago I stayed home from church and thought I would listen to a teaching at home instead to compensate. So I found some random video and what do you think the guy is talking about; well, importance of regularly going to church! Spot on...
Challenge of the week:
- Go to church!