Change of plans
Okej, så nu har det hänt lite grejer och jag vill bara se till att ni alla är uppdeterade.
Regeringen i Belize håller just nu på att utreda immigrationsavdelningnen för korruption, vilket har lett till skärpta lagar. På grund av det så nekas just nu de flesta volontärer arbetsvisum i landet. Till följd av detta så har YWAM Destination Paradise tagit beslutet (efter MYCKET bön och funderande) att flytta skolan ut ur landet då nästan alla ledare inte får vara kvar i landet som volontärer.
Vart? Ja vem vet. Vi litar på att Gud kommer leda vilken riktning basen ska gå i!
När? Den sista februari lämnar YWAM DP Belize.
Hur påverkar detta oss? Vi har bestämt oss för att flytta hem till Sverige i slutet av februari!
Eleverna: Vi skickar dem på outreach (missionsresa) en månad tidigare än i vanliga fall då många av ledarna måste ur landet snart. Så de gör två månader med lektioner, två månader missionsresa och slutligen en månad lektioner istället för tre månader lektioner och två månader missionsresa på slutet.
Mycket har hänt på kort tid men både jag och Daniel klarar förändring bra och framtiden känns spännande! Ni får gärna be dock för både basen och ledarna här, för frid i situationen samt för basens framtid!

Okay, so now some things have happened and I just want to make sure you're all updated.
The Belize government is currently investigating the immigration departments for corruption, which has led to stricter laws. Because of that, most volunteers are currently denied work visas in the country. As a result, YWAM Destination Paradise has made the decision (after MUCH praying and thinking) to move the school out of the country as almost all leaders cannot stay in the country as volunteers.
Where? Who knows. We trust that God will guide what direction the base should go in!
When?The last of February YWAM DP departs Belize.
How does this affect us? We have decided to move back to Sweden at the end of February!
Students: We'll send them on outreach (the mission trip) a month earlier than usual as many of the leaders have to leave the country soon. So they do two months of lectures, two months of outreach and finally one month of lectures instead of three months of lectures and two months of outreach at the end.
Much has happened in a short time, but both me and Daniel are doing good whith change and the future feels exciting! Please pray though for both the base and the leaders here, for peace in the situation and for the future of the base!
The Belize government is currently investigating the immigration departments for corruption, which has led to stricter laws. Because of that, most volunteers are currently denied work visas in the country. As a result, YWAM Destination Paradise has made the decision (after MUCH praying and thinking) to move the school out of the country as almost all leaders cannot stay in the country as volunteers.
Where? Who knows. We trust that God will guide what direction the base should go in!
When?The last of February YWAM DP departs Belize.
How does this affect us? We have decided to move back to Sweden at the end of February!
Students: We'll send them on outreach (the mission trip) a month earlier than usual as many of the leaders have to leave the country soon. So they do two months of lectures, two months of outreach and finally one month of lectures instead of three months of lectures and two months of outreach at the end.
Much has happened in a short time, but both me and Daniel are doing good whith change and the future feels exciting! Please pray though for both the base and the leaders here, for peace in the situation and for the future of the base!