Friends - what would you do without them?
- Johannesevangeliet 13:34 "Ett nytt bud ger jag er: att ni ska älska varandra. Så som jag har älskat er ska också ni älska varandra. Om ni har kärlek till varandra ska alla förstå att ni är mina lärjungar."
- Predikaren 4:9-10 "Bättre två än en, ty de får god lön för sin strävan. Om de faller, kan den ene resa upp den andre. Men ve den ensamme! Om han faller, finns det inte någon som kan resa upp honom."
Ordspråksboken 17:17 "En väns kärlek består alltid, en broder föds för att hjälpa i nöd."
Jag är vad vissa skulle kalla extrovert, eller som jag skulle kalla mig själv - extremt extrovert.
Om man är introvert så innebär det att man får energi av att vara själv och att man i längden blir trött av att umgås, men det måste inte betyda att man är osocial! Är man extrovert så är det motsatsen som gäller, men får energi av att umgås med andra och blir trött av att vara själv. Man kan självklart vara allt därimellan också.
Men jag är nog så extrovert som man kan vara, det absolut värsta jag vet är att vara själv, vilket är ett enormt handikapp. Jag klarar inte att vara själv mer än några timmar åt gången och då orkar jag ändå inte göra någonting. Det är som att luften går ur mig så fort jag blir ensam. Men om du sätter mig bland folk så laddar jag igång direkt och blir lite av en social duracell-kanin emellanåt. Men det viktigaste är inte att jag pratar med någon, det räcker att veta att det finns människor i samma hus/lägenhet och att jag kan prata med dem om jag vill.
Jag mår aldrig så bra som när jag är med Daniel, min familj eller mina vänner och jag är så otroligt tacksam för de människor Gud har placerat i mitt liv. Förutom Gud så är de verkligen mitt allt. Vänner som de är ovärdeliga, de finns alltid där när man behöver dem och kan också peka ut ens fel och brister utan att älska en mindre.
Men oavsett om man är extrovert eller introvert så behöver man omge sig med människor som bygger upp en och för en närmare Gud! Man måste inte bara ha sådan vänner, men de är viktiga att ha!
Veckans utmaning:
- Klura ut om du är introvert eller extrovert (eller ambivalet = mitt emellan)
- Uppskatta dina vänner (och familj) och spendera tid med dem!
-Om du har några frågor till mig eller om du vill att jag ska be för något så är det bara att skriva i kommentarsfältet eller maila mig privat! ❤
- John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up."
- Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity."
I am what some would call an extrovert, or as I would call myself - extremely extroverted.
If you are an introvert, it means that you get energized by being by yourself and that you ultimately get drained by hanging out, but it does not mean that you are unsocial! Are you an extrovert then it is the opposite, you get energy by socializing with others and become drained by being by yourself. One can of course be everything in between as well.
But I'm probably as extrovert as one can be, the absolute worst thing I know is to be by myself, which is a huge handicap. I can't be by myself more than a few hours at a time and then I feel too tired to do anything. It is like the air goes out of me as soon as I get by myself. But if you put me among people then I will start recharging right away and can become somewhat of a social Duracell Bunny. But the main thing isn't that I'm talking with someone, it's enough to know that there are people in the same house/apartment and I can talk with them if I want.
I don't ever feel as good as when I'm with Daniel, my family or my friends and I am so incredibly grateful for the people God has placed in my life. Besides God they're really my everything. Friends like them are invaluable, they are always there when you need them and can also point out one's faults and failings, but without loving one less.
But whether you are an extrovert or introvert you need to surround yourself with people who are building you up and brings you closer to God! You must not only have such friends, but they are important to have!
If you are an introvert, it means that you get energized by being by yourself and that you ultimately get drained by hanging out, but it does not mean that you are unsocial! Are you an extrovert then it is the opposite, you get energy by socializing with others and become drained by being by yourself. One can of course be everything in between as well.
But I'm probably as extrovert as one can be, the absolute worst thing I know is to be by myself, which is a huge handicap. I can't be by myself more than a few hours at a time and then I feel too tired to do anything. It is like the air goes out of me as soon as I get by myself. But if you put me among people then I will start recharging right away and can become somewhat of a social Duracell Bunny. But the main thing isn't that I'm talking with someone, it's enough to know that there are people in the same house/apartment and I can talk with them if I want.
I don't ever feel as good as when I'm with Daniel, my family or my friends and I am so incredibly grateful for the people God has placed in my life. Besides God they're really my everything. Friends like them are invaluable, they are always there when you need them and can also point out one's faults and failings, but without loving one less.
But whether you are an extrovert or introvert you need to surround yourself with people who are building you up and brings you closer to God! You must not only have such friends, but they are important to have!
Challenge of the week
- Try to figure out if you are an extrovert or an introvert (or in between = ambivalent)
- Apreciate your friends and family and spend time with them!
-If You have any questions or if you want me to pray for anything, just write in the comments section or email me! ❤