This thing about alcohol
- Johannesevangeliet 2:1-11 (klicka på länken för att läsa!)
- Efesierbrevet 5:18 "Berusa er inte med vin, det leder till vårdslöshet. Låt er i stället uppfyllas av Anden."
- Romarbrevet 14:21 "Det är bättre att avstå från att äta kött eller dricka vin eller göra något annat som din broder tar anstöt av."

I grew up with a very restrictive view of alcohol and have always thought that it is like that among all Christians. However, in recent years, I realized that is not the case at all! The reason I have been raised like that is because the Pentecostal movement in Sweden has worked a lot with alcoholics and because of that disctanced itself from alcohol to make it easier for those who once abused it. Aha!
The Bible talks about alcohol (wine) in a relatively neutral way, as a natural part of meals, etc. Jesus' first miracle was also turning water into wine at a wedding.
- John 2: 1-11 (click on the link to read!)
At the same time, the Bible warns us of drunkenness several times and the consequences of it.
- Ephesians 5:18 "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,"
We Christians are also called to help each other and not bring someone else to a fall (get someone to drink who actually think it's wrong).
- Romans 14:21 "It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble."
Alcohol in itself is no sin, but if you get drunk you can do things you wouldn't do otherwise, maybe say or do stupid things etc, which can result in sin.
Conclusion: It's okay to drink alcohol with moderation as a Christian, but choose your company with reason and make sure you never put pressure on someone else to drink, or even drink with someone who may get bad conscience towards God for it.
Regarding nicotine, the Bible never speaks of it, it is simply just unhealthy. However, the Bible has a negative view of being "slave" under something, to be addicted to something. In society today, however, some addictions are more accepted than others. Coffee, anyone? Or why not some chemical substances and plenty of sugar? (Candy, that is)...
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